Longcheng Ltd. 应用

萌萌打三國 1.7.5
Longcheng Ltd.
艾德爾冒險 1.4.3
Longcheng Ltd.
艾德爾冒險:王權爭霸 1.4.3
Longcheng Ltd.
冒險與挖礦 0.11.5
Longcheng Ltd.
Mỹ Nhân Đại Chiến
Longcheng Ltd.
Mỹ Nhân Đại Chiến là thể loại game hủy thẻbài. Dưới sự kết hợp hoàn hảo giữa những lá bài mang hình ảnh MỹNhân gợi cảm và bàn cờ Tam Tiêu, " Mỹ Nhân Đại Chiến" hứa hẹn sẽmang đến cho người chơi những trải nghiệm vô cùng thú vị.Trên bàn cờ thay đổi ngẫu nhiên vô cùng vi diệu, không những có thểhủy Kiếm, Khiên, Máu trên bàn cờ để có thể tấn công, phòng thủ, hồiphục...còn thường xuyên xuất hiện những hòm quà có giá trị, quả ácma, những đám mây che kín... Người chơi sau khi thu tập được thẻbài Mỹ Nhân sẽ tiến hành nâng cấp, thăng cấp, hoặc có thể sưu tầmPháp Bảo, Sủng Vật…Với những hình ảnh đẹp mắt, gợi cảm, chiêu thứcthú vị chắc chắn sẽ cho bạn những trải nghiệm thú vị.America's Great War iscanceled card game genre. Under the perfect combination between thecards bring America's sexy image and the Three Pepper chessboard,"America's Great War" promises to bring players the fun andexciting experience.On board random changes extremely subtle, not only can cancel Make,Shield, Blood on the board to be able to attack, defend, rebound... also frequently appeared chests valuable gifts , evil result,clouds covered ... players after acquiring America's cards will beupgraded, promoted, or may collectibles Dharma, Sung Object ...with beautiful images , sexy, exciting moves will definitely giveyou the pleasant experience.
Idle Monster 1.9.5
Longcheng Ltd.
Game Features:24/7 BattleEven when you log out, your character will keep fightingthemonsters and earn experience and gears for you. Amarvelousfunction that makes your dream come true! You won’t missany battleand can boost your EXP and loot gears even when you aresleeping.Job Change SystemYou may choose among traditional classes, either male orfemale,from strong and fearsome fighter, nimble and accuratehunter, orgorgeous mage who uses magnificent spells to blast theenemies, andcombine your own skill set. By leveling up your Baselevel, you canadvance your Job to higher classes. Use your wisdomto crush yourenemies.Unique SmeltingYou can smelt your common or unwanted gears for better itemsorsmelting points. What are you waiting for? Awesome gearsawait!Hot ArenaYou may show off your strength by defeating other players intheArena. Defeat higher-ranked players to switch place with themandearn periodically distributed diamonds. Fight your way uptodominate the leader-board!
螺旋境界線 Helix Horizon 1.7.0
Longcheng Ltd.
《螺旋境界線》(HelixHorizon)是一款純正的日系RPG遊戲,細緻華美的遊戲畫面及強大的知名聲優群配音,為您帶來精彩的視聽饗宴,遊戲規則更獨創了新穎的RingOut戰鬥玩法,每場鬥智鬥勇的戰鬥都將為這次觸手可及的冒險增添絢麗的浪漫篇章。【豪華聲優陣容】釘宮理惠、內田彩、田村由加莉、戶松遙、上坂堇、代永翼、西田望見、青木琉璃子等三十餘位日本著名聲優傾情獻聲。【Ring Out】除了傳統的殊死搏鬥擊潰敵人之外,也可以通過嶄新的Ring Out系統優雅華麗的將敵人擊出場外獲得勝利!想體會一技逆轉的快感嗎?【公會狩魔】公會不僅是成員們日常交流的場所,更可在此團結起來對抗前所未有的巨型強敵。可支持四人同時聯機,實時操作的【狩魔】戰等你來挑戰!【更多玩法】只能眼巴巴看著一堆細緻角色自動推來揉去的戰鬥讓你覺得寂寞嗎?蘇拉邊境、頂尖之塔、鬥技場等系統帶給你放置,協作,互動的全新玩法!=====================================【全明星製作陣容】【Producer】吉川明靜,原日本SEGA製作人、曾擔任《鎖鏈戰記》產品總監、《櫻花大戰》系列中文版監製。【Story】鑽石咖啡鴉,知名作家、記者、翻譯,被譽為輕小說短篇之王。【Sound Director】Zeta,著名音樂才女,在作曲、演奏、配音方面均有著深厚的造詣,曾為《鯉》、《萬物生長》等優秀遊戲作曲。
Idle Monster:Non-stop 2.0.21
Longcheng Ltd.
Game Features:24/7 BattleEven when you log out, your character will keep fighting themonsters and earn experience and gears for you. A marvelousfunction that makes your dream come true! You won’t miss any battleand can boost your EXP and loot gears even when you are sleeping.Job Change SystemYou may choose among traditional classes, either male or female,from strong and fearsome fighter, nimble and accurate hunter, orgorgeous mage who uses magnificent spells to blast the enemies, andcombine your own skill set. By leveling up your Base level, you canadvance your Job to higher classes. Use your wisdom to crush yourenemies.Unique SmeltingYou can smelt your common or unwanted gears for better items orsmelting points. What are you waiting for? Awesome gears await!Hot ArenaYou may show off your strength by defeating other players in theArena. Defeat higher-ranked players to switch place with them andearn periodically distributed diamonds. Fight your way up todominate the leader-board!
大攻城-鎧甲公主物語 1.3.6
Longcheng Ltd.
舊時代的兵馬聲中,天現異象,時軌震動。隨著天選之人的降生,全新的大攻城時代已經拉開帷幕。穿梭於東漢與幕府之間,集結三國與戰國的英魂,與夥伴結盟,一起君臨世界巔峰吧!■日本原廠品質◆全日本知名繪師聯手創作想要遊戲華麗,自然少不了出色的卡牌插畫!以丞悪朗氏為首,柴乃櫂人,彩樹,七和禮,小森ニコ,あんべよしろう,白井秀実,くらは等諸多知名繪師傾情加盟,名繪師雲集,為遊戲錦上添花!◆最多女性玩家選擇的策略遊戲大攻城的世界裡不僅有大地圖探索和戰爭,還有塔防,建設等有趣的玩法,讓女生也能輕鬆上手。豐富社交系統,尋找你的伙伴結盟征戰吧!■登場武將一部紹介!・豐臣秀吉(CV:沢城みゆき)・真田幸村(CV:戸松遙)・諸葛亮(CV:桑島法子)・張飛(CV:堀江由衣)■人気聲優がしゃべりまくり!もちろんゲームを彩る聲優陣も豪華絢爛!令人意外!本次所有少年角色皆為女性聲優配音!沢城みゆき、戸松遙…不僅人氣聲優,就連不太關注手游的那位大人物都參加了戰鬥!手游史上最大量配音搭載!不同季節每名武將都有完全不同的問候語音,每一位角色都栩栩如生,升級武將將可以解鎖他全部的台詞喲!■創新大攻城系統【超骨太タワーディフェンス】×【同盟vs同盟大攻城戦】劍與魔法的戰爭,足輕火槍齊射,超豐富遊戲模式,這是獨一無二的大世界策略攻城!*目前Android7.0登入遊戲可能會有異常,我們正在修復。The sound of horses inthe old days, the days of the vision now, when rail vibration. Asthe Chosen One person's birth, a new era of big siege began.Shuttling between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the shogunate,assembled souls of the Three Kingdoms and the Warring States, andalliance partners together monarchs of the world's pinnacle ofit!■ Japanese original quality◆ All-Japan joint creation of well-known painting divisionWant game gorgeous, natural and ultimately, outstanding cardillustrations!In Cheng E Langerhans led firewood is Zhao people, color tree, VIIand ceremony, Komori ni U, thou san べ yo shi ro u, Bai JingxiuMika, ku ra wa, and many other well-known painting divisionportrait to join, were painted division gathered for the game icingon the cake!◆ most female players choose strategy gameGreat Siege world where not only fun gameplay large maps to exploreand war, as well as tower defense, construction, etc., so thatgirls can easily get started. Rich social system, find youralliance partners campaign now!■ a debut generals Shao Jie!· Toyotomi Hideyoshi (CV: Kanazawa City Miyuki)· Sanada Yukimura (CV: Kobe pine away)Zhuge Liang (CV: Mulberry island)· Zhang Fei (CV: Horie Yui)■ Ninki seiyuu ga shi ゃ べ ri ma ku ri!Moo ち ro san ge one woods wo color ru luxury seiyuu gorgeous arraymoo!Surprise! The characters are all women of all juvenile seiyuuvoice!Kanazawa City Miyuki, Kobe pine away ... not only popular voiceactors, and even less concerned about the hand tour of the greatman have participated in the fighting!Hand history tour carrying the maximum amount of voice!Each different seasons greetings generals have a completelydifferent voice, every character come to life, the generals will beable to upgrade to unlock all his lines yo!■ Great Siege innovation system[Super Bone too Tatari method have video game ィ su nn ェ fu] ×[Alliance vs Alliance Great Siege Zhan]War of swords and magic, light guns foot volley, ultra-rich gamemode, which is unique World Policy siege!* Currently Android7.0 login to the game may be abnormal, us beingrepaired.
Love Paradise
Longcheng Ltd.
寶寶之野望 4.2
Longcheng Ltd.
《寶寶之野望》採用3D高清渲染技術打造,擁有豐富的放置探索、收集養成、競技場天梯PK賽等遊戲玩法,搭配即時世界聊天、好友助戰的社交互動元素,準備好跟著萌妹滿場跑吧!!【遊戲特色】※ 特色即時戰略戰鬥系統即時操控最多6位寶寶,靠著技巧走位閃避敵人攻擊、尋找最佳位置進攻與時機施放技能,透過精湛的操作獲取決定性優勢!!※美女寶寶養成計畫5個勢力,5種職業,多達近百位風格呆萌可愛Q版角色自由搭配組隊,在《寶寶之野望》中取勝,不僅需要出色的操作,還要了解每一位寶寶的技能特色和搭配,以及裝備道具資源的分配。 ※ 豐富「放置探索 & 收集養成」玩法派遣多達4支隊伍進行探險,俘獲敵軍英雄將可放置到莊園中進行生產,離線也能獲取收益,沒體力也能挂機嗨翻天!! ※ 多種​​實時社交互動元素世界、騎士團頻道即時聊天交友,還有好友助戰、騎士團成員共斗等多種互動類玩法。在寶寶的世界裡,怕孤獨的永遠有朋友,怕寂寞的永遠有對手!!想在第一時間內獲得最新資訊,別忘了密切關注《寶寶之野望》粉絲團 ♥《寶寶之野望》官方網站:http://baby.txwy.tw《寶寶之野望》FB粉絲頁:http://www.facebook.com/baby.txwy.tw
鬥陣少女Collection﹣慾望之都 1.0.5
Longcheng Ltd.
피기 아일랜드 2.4.0
Longcheng Ltd.
피기 아일랜드의 세계에 오신걸 환영합니다!❤새로운 펫이 업데이트 되었어요! 너무너무 귀여운 펫을 꼭! 키워주 세요~ 그리고 친한 친구와함께 멧돼지를잡으러출발하세요! Go! 골드도 벌고, 적의 공격에 저항도 해보고, 엄청 귀엽고 신비한 환상의 아일랜드도 건설해보세요!피기아일랜드에서는 부자마저도 최선을 다해 전투를 진행합니다.과연 누가 친구중에 1등이 될까요?게임 특징 ^(*¯(oo)¯)^ 친구가 많을수록 더 재밌게 즐길수 있 어요~!【골드로 업그레이드】언제 어디서나 골드를 약탈하여 5종의 건물을 건설할 수 있어요!아일랜드를 이사할때마다 더욱재미있어요!【나만의 아일랜드 건설】세계에서 모인 가지각색의 다양한 아일랜 드! 이탈리아, 중국, 호주, 브라질,쥬라기공원, 프랑스,영국, 일본, 러 시아, 이집트, 빙하시대 등등의 아일랜드가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다!【피기의보호】룰렛 돌리기~ 해적의 지하자원 채굴하기! 약탈하기! 대포공격! 등이 있습니다. 약탈에 성공했다면 꼭!다른유저의 복수를 조심하세요!【랭킹명단】피기 아일랜드에는 부자랭킹과 악당랭킹이 있습니다! 아마 부자랭킹1위 유저가 최고의 악당이겠죠?【친구가 있어서 부자됬어요】페이스북 친구를 초대하고 친구와 함 께 가장 강력한 팀이되세요!현재 피기왕이 아일랜드에서 당신을 기다리고 있어요!Welcome to the worldofPiggy Island!❤ doeeoteoyo update the new pet! Just too cute pet! Pleaseraiseyour departure and weeks to catch a wild boar with a friend!Go!Gold also earn, try to resist the enemy, try buildingIreland'ssuper cute and mysterious illusion! The Irish Affair richevencontinue the fight to the best of my ability.Who Would such as this one in your friends?Game features ^ (* ¯ (oo) ¯) ^ The more friends I can enjoymorefun!- Upgrade to Gold - anytime, anywhere and plundered the gold Icanbuild a building of five! It's more fun every time yisahalIreland![Own] Island Construction motley variety of the worldgathered inIreland! Italy, China, Australia, Brazil, Jurassic Park,France,Great Britain, Japan, Russia, Egypt, Ireland, etc. The IceAge iswaiting for you![Bloom] protection of Roulette - Turning to the mining ofmineralresources Pirates! To plunder! Artillery Attack! And others.If yousucceed in loot by all means! Watch out for a pluralityofdifferent users!- Ranking list - Piggy Ireland has a rich and rankingrankingvillain! Maybe that'd be one rich user ranking thebestvillain?[Friends] in the rich doeteoyo invite Facebook friends to Becomethemost powerful team together with friends!Currently Piggy King's waiting for you in Ireland!
สงครามเทพพิทักษ์-SX Online 1.0.7
Longcheng Ltd.
สงครามเทพพิทักษ์ เกมมือถือRPGแฟนซีที่จะพาเพื่อนๆเข้าสู้โลกแห่งเซียนในเกมนั้นเป็นเรื่องราวของเทพโป๊ยเซียนที่เพื่อนๆจะต้องเข้าไปกำจัดปีศาจ ทำภารกิจมากมายจำลองเสมือนผู้เล่นได้เข้าไปสู่ในเหตุการณ์ต่างๆเสมือนจริงทำให้ผู้เล่นเพลิดเพลินจนลืมเวลาอย่าลืมเข้ามาทดสอบความแข็งเกร่งเพื่อเดินทางสู้ความเป็นเซียนกันล่ะความพิเศษของเกม1.สามอาชีพสุดเจ๋ง-สามอาชีพสุดพิเศษ:เทพกระบี่ เทพนักรบและเทพวิหคเป็นอาชีพใหม่ที่จะทำให้เพื่อนๆสนุกและเพลิดเพลินไม่รู้ตัว2.ระบบสนามประลองผู้เล่นสามารถPKกับผู้เล่นอื่นๆได้ตามใจ ระหว่างPKสามารถตั้งค่าเลือกไม้ตาย อัพเกรด เพิ่มความสนุกในการเล่นเกมมากขึ้น3.ระบบกิลด์-สร้างกิลด์และมาร่วมตีกิลด์รับรางวัลมากมายกันการเข้าร่วมกิลด์จะทำให้เพื่อนๆพบกับมิตรภาพใหม่ๆมากมาย4.ระบบค่ายต่อสู้- ภายในเกมแบ่งเป็นสองค่ายคือสำนักสู่ซานและคุนหลุนให้เพื่อนๆเลือกในสำนักที่ชอบและมาต่อสู้ร่วมกัน5.ระบบหอคัมภีร์-เป็นที่เรียนรู้สกิลใหม่ๆและทุกอาชีพจะมีสกิลลับที่น่าสนใจให้เรียนเพิ่มได้ที่นี่War Theppitak RPG mobilegame Fancy That will take you into the world of Sian. The game isthe story of my eight immortals. You will need to get rid of thedevil. Numerous missions Virtualization players into the virtualevents. Allows players to enjoy your time. Do not forget to testthe hardness of lingering for a hacker to anyway.Special Games1. Three professional cool- Three exclusive career: Classifieds. Warrior gods and deitiesdevotees A new career that will make it fun and enjoyableway.2. The arenaPlayers can PK with other players to do so. PK can choose betweenthe settler upgrades add even more fun to play.3. Guild- Create Guild strike and joined the guild awards each. To join aguild to make friends with many new friendships.4. Fight Camp- The game is divided into two camps Office and the San Kun Lun.Share your Favorites on the Bureau and fight together.5. Tower Bible- Learn a new skill. Every profession will have the skill and thesecret of interest to learn more here.
Liên Minh Tam Quốc 8.5.0
Longcheng Ltd.
Kiệt tác Game Tam Quốc được sự đầu tư công phuvà bài bản, với sự tham gia của các họa sĩ nổi tiếng Nhật Bản, HànQuốc cùng bắt tay thiết kế. Thực sự bạn không thể bỏ qua!Đây là thể loại game chiến lược nội chính kinh điển, là cuộc chiếnchân thực của Thiên quân vạn mã dựa trên nền tảng kỹ thuật hiệnđại, lại lần nữa tái hiện lại chất Sử thi khí thế của các cuộcchiến. Ngoài ra, còn cách chơi khác có thể thử trí thông mình củangười chơi. Với sự kết hợp của âm thanh hào hùng mang đậm chấttruyền thống Tam Quốc, càng phản ánh một cách chân thực bản đồchiến trường Tam Quốc cổ đại. Hơn nữa không thể thiếu được nhữngcuộc tranh giành lãnh địa giữa các quốc gia, hình ảnh chân thực, âmthanh sinh động, chắc chắn sẽ mang đến cho người chơi những trảinghiệm thú vị nhất và bá đạo nhất.“Liên Minh Tam Quốc” được xây dựng trên bối cảnh là thời đại TamQuốc, là thể loại game chiến lược trường phái vô cùng mới mẻ, cùngvới đó là cách chơi chân thực hơn. Game này mang tất cả địa hình,chiến thuật, bố trận vào trong Quốc Chiến. Người chơi có thể chialính làm 3 đường, công thành đột kích không ngừng, hoặc có thể liênminh cùng đồng minh để hạ thủ địch, người chơi có thể trải nghiệm,cập nhật đội bất cứ nơi đâu, lúc nào mà mình muốn.Hệ thống nội chính kinh điển, Khai quốc lập nghiệp thống nhất giangsơn.Trong game gọi quốc là Trận Doanh, Quốc vương và Quan vị sẽ dongười chơi cạnh tranh một cách công bằng. Quốc Vương có thể chiêubinh công thành, đồng thời có thể bố trí người ở Hậu phương xâydựng thành, bao gồm chinh phục nguồn lực, chiêu mộ tướng lĩnh, pháttriền công nghệ…mang đến cho bạn những trải nghiệm toàn vẹn nhất,từ trong ra ngoài, từ trên xuống dưới, từ mạnh đến yếu…Đặc biệt là những trải nghiệm xưa nay chưa từng có là Phục cổ vậntiêu công thành, thách đấu vượt ải Thí luyện, mang đến những khoáicảm nhất trong chiến tranh.Hệ thống chiến đấu hoàn toàn mới, Càn quét thiên quân kiêu hùngthiên hạ!Phải chiến đấu thế nào mới sướng, đương nhiên là quyết đấu nhanh vàtrực tiếp rồi. Liên Minh Tam Quốc sử dụng phương thức chiến đấuquân sự có sự tính toán kỹ lưỡng. Những cách chiến đấu như PVP, GVGđều có thể đáp ứng được nhu cầu PK cao độ của những người chơi khácnhau. Không cần biết bạn mong muốn Đơn chiến hay tập thể,…đều cóthể tìm thấy trong Liên Minh Tam Quốc. Đồng thời có những hiệu ứngđặc biệt siêu cute với hình ảnh siêu sinh động chắc chắn sẽ mangđến cho bạn cảm giác khoái cảm chưa từng có!Game Three Kingdomsmasterpiece is the sophisticated investors and all copies, with theparticipation of famous artists in Japan, Korea and embarkeddesign. Really you can not ignore!This is the strategy game genre classics of internal affairs, thewar of God authentically universal military code based on moderntechnical platform, again recreate the atmosphere of the epic war.In addition, the way other players can test a player'sintelligence. With the combination of sounds fascinating traditioncharacterized the Three Kingdoms, increasingly reflect a genuinemap Three Kingdoms ancient battlefield. Moreover indispensable turfstruggles between nations, the true picture, vivid audio, willcertainly bring players the most exciting experience and besthegemony."Union of the Three Kingdoms" is built on the times set in theThree Kingdoms, the strategy game genre is extremely new school,along with more realistic gameplay. This game brings all terrain,tactics, published in the National War battle. Players can bedivided into 3 line soldiers, raided the city does not stop, orperhaps alliance with allies to bring down the enemy player, theplayer can experience, updated team anywhere, any time you want.Interior classic system, nationwide Opening up Jiangshan unifiednow.In the national game is called Battle of Business, The King and theplayer will compete in a fair manner. United Nations troops mayattack the city, and can be arranged in the rear who built thecity, including to conquer resources, recruit generals,technological development ... to bring you the most completeexperience , from the inside out, from top to bottom, from strongto weak ...Especially experience this ancient Easter unprecedented mediaadvisory is a town and challenge someone, train pass, bring themost pleasure in war.The battle system is completely new, glorious military Roundupslower natural disasters!How to fight a new pleasure, of course, quick and direct duel then.Alliance Three Kingdoms use military methods to fight the carefulcalculations. The way to fight like PVP, GVG can meet the demandsof extreme PK of different players. No matter what you desire tofight or collective Applications, ... have been found in the Unionof the Three Kingdoms. Also there are special effects super supercute with vivid pictures will surely bring you the feeling ofpleasure like never before!
신선도: 모바일로 귀환한 RPG 1.0.7
Longcheng Ltd.
■게임 특징■▶더 강력해진 그들이 돌아왔다!모바일로 더 짜릿한 신선도!!▶손맛을 느낄수 있는 전투!배치 하나에도 신중하게 해야하는 전략 RPG▶신선도의 핵심만 담았다!하지만 그것으로 끝이 아니다!!▶끊임없이 나타나는 다양한 컨텐츠지루할 틈 없이 즐기는 국민게임!페이스북 팬페이지: https://www.facebook.com/sxd2016kr공식 카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/msinsundoGame Features ■ ■▶ they are more powerful back!More exhilarating freshness to your mobile!▶ combat feel a handmade!Strategies should also carefully placing one RPG▶ only captured the heart of the freshness!But it is not the end!▶ variety of content that appear constantlyWithout boring game break to enjoy the people!Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/sxd2016krOfficial Cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/msinsundo
아이덜 어드벤처 1.1.5
Longcheng Ltd.
테크니컬한 모바일 게임 , 중세 판타지 세상을 배경으로, 3대 종족인 휴먼,페니크, 티플링이 펼치는 다양한 전직 라인이 존재하는 판타지 세상. 레벨 업 때마다 유저님들은 선호하는 직업을 선택하실수 있으며 다양한 직업 조합으로 전투를 진행할 수 있습니다. 끊킴없는 다이나믹한 전투, 특별한 코스튬 시스템, 자동 양성시스템, 피로도 없이 심플하게 즐길 수 있는 모바일 게임입니다.※※※※※※※※※※게임 특징※※※※※※※※※※◈전직 시스템◈⊱12가지 직업, 직업 별 특징이 뚜렷하고 중독성 있는 시스템⊱66가지 다양한 직업 조합⊱200여종의 스킬유저님이 육성 플레이모드에 지겨워지는 시기에 전직 시스템이 오픈될 것이며 다양한 직업 조합으로 전투에서 더욱 많은 재미를느끼실 수 있을 것입니다. 게임 중의 전직 시스템은 가장 흥미진진한 화제가 될 것입니다.◈코스튬 시스템◈게임 캐릭터는 직업의 승급에 따라 이미지도 같이 변화됩니다. 3가지 종족 중 한가지의 종족을 선택할 수 있습니다. 휴먼,티플링, 페니크, 각 종족별 직업 이미지는 모두 다릅니다. 뿐만 아니라 캐릭터의 무기를 바꾸면 그에 따른 변화도구현됩니다. 캐릭터는 양손에 도끼, 창, 궁, 비수, 곡도, 지팡이, 도끼 등 다양한 무기를 착용할 수 있으며 무기에따라 캐릭터의 공격 모션도 바뀌게 됩니다.Technical mobile games,medieval fantasy world as the background, three species of human,Penny large, Tea sampling is unfolding fantasy world where there isa variety of the former line. Each time you level up nimdeul usercan choose the preferred job and can continue to battle a varietyof job combinations. Kkeunkim not a dynamic combat, specialcostumes systems, automated training systems, mobile games that youcan simply enjoy without fatigue.※※※※※※※※※※ game features ※※※※※※※※※※◈ ◈ former system⊱12 different profession, occupation characterized by distinct andaddictive systems⊱66 different profession combinations⊱200 kinds of skillsThe former will be the user's system is open at the time that thesick foster modes of play will be able to feel the more interestingbattles in a variety of job combinations. The former system of thegame is to be the most exciting topic.◈ ◈ System CostumesThe image will also change as the game character upgrades,depending on the job. You can choose from three races of onespecies. Human, tea sampling, penny size, each race by professionalimages all different. As well as changing the character of theweapon will also implement changes accordingly. A character canwear a variety of weapons, including an ax, window, arch, dagger,songs, sticks, an ax in his hands and will change as the motion ofthe character attack weapons.
明日方舟 17.9.81
Longcheng Ltd.
"Arknights" new story collection "Spring Equinox" is released
Errant: Hunter's Soul 1.1.905
Longcheng Ltd.
Next-generation Team Hunting MMORPG with extreme graphics!
Wasteland Lords 1.1.9
Longcheng Ltd.
Arrogance comes from the cities; wisdom from the wastelands. In thenuclear wastelands, let us bury our arrogance and learn new ways tosurvive. “Wasteland Lords” is a post-apocalyptic strategy game.After a global nuclear explosion, you are assigned to a wastelandshelter. Managing the last place of hope for all of mankind. Forthe survival and development of your clan, you will lead yourpeople to explore the uncharted wasteland. Your civilization canonly survive by obeying the laws of survival which help you fightto overcome the lack of resources, dangerous mutant creatures,devastated environments, and snooping from other shelters. BuildWasteland Cities: - Underground Shelter Construction. There are noblind spots in your shelter and you can set up an originalwasteland in the midst of an apocalyptic war - feel free to exploreit all. Experiencing an unique SLG managing gameplay by followingyour own path and ideas of development. Freedom and Fight: - In theopen-world sandbox map, you can fight with your allies, joinHegemon War, Apocalypse War and other exciting events. - Use yourbattle tactics and the four different battle units to find victory.These, combined with the wasteland heroes skills, you will be theRuler in this wasteland world. - Special replay systems will helpyou to quickly find the best troops combination. Unique Gameplay: -Apocalyptic Battle Mech. The impressive Mechs are waiting for youto experiment with and modify. Their customization will assist youin helping you conquer wasteland. - Roguelike Gameplay. Looking foradventure? You will be able to drive a small adventure Mech toexplore deep caves. Find rewards and adventures lurk beneath thesurface!
深淵地平線 1.0.24
Longcheng Ltd.
【遊戲背景】在意外的重離子衝擊實驗後,導致世界晶壁破損並與平行世界「apisu」出現的迷之生物。其中有一種外觀接近人類女性並且額上長有雙角並且具有超強的破壞力,這一類迷之生物被冠以「鬼姬」之名。在「鬼姬」所屬率領的怪物群將世界的海底資源吞噬殆盡,更向陸地發起了侵略,使得人類的生活圈不斷縮小。在不斷對抗的過程中,人類某次偶然成功捕捉到一位「鬼姬」,並透過對其的研究開發出了使用戰艦裝甲作戰的「艦姬」。一直堅守的現世人類,伴隨著實戰裝備的「艦姬」點起了反擊的狼煙。賭上世界命運的大海戰即將展開!【關於遊戲】《深淵地平線》是一款3D真實海戰手游,自由艦隊的編成養成、即時手動操作、策略自由選擇的艦姬海戰手游。「出擊」是遊戲的主要玩法,玩家扮演的司令官將帶領艦姬們穿梭在波瀾壯闊的海面抵禦來自深淵的入侵!【戰鬥】 ・虛擬輪盤自由操縱角色。・空襲、主砲、魚雷、副砲等激烈的海戰一觸即發。 ・全角色的特有技能。 ・自動模式搭載。【模式】・艦隊遭遇戰、極速模式挑戰、鬼姬BOSS挑戰、巨型BOSS追擊戰、巨型BOSS殲滅戰、演習模式等・獨特的休假養成模式,・與朋友組隊一起進行挑戰。 【角色】 ・搭載真實3D技術,讓艦姫們全方位展現!・休假系統搭載360℃自由攝影模式!・3D模型,皮膚換裝!
方格騎士團 1.09.50
Longcheng Ltd.
魂器學院 1.1.0
Longcheng Ltd.
賽博龐克美少女手遊,在未來都市華麗邂逅甜蜜愛戀!隨性放置,隨時升級,百位魂姬聽從召喚!日本知名聲優雲集,著名繪師匠心繪製,暢遊科技迷幻盛宴!2048年,人工智慧已進入高度繁榮的發展階段,是極端倚賴AI的時代。而一夕間,憑空現世的XMAS病毒,為這個世界帶來巨大的衝擊。病毒使AI指令錯亂,自行啟動攻擊模式,將手中的武器毫不留情地指向昔日的主人。在AI失序地肆虐下,人類終於意識到,唯有迎面作戰,才能終結這場混亂,於是各方勢力開始集結,欲藉此一舉突破重圍。漫天喧囂的戰火中,一支由「魂器學院」學生組織而成的新興隊伍逐漸嶄露頭角;她們不僅各個皆有著亮麗的姿容,其優異的戰鬥能力與卓越的偵查技巧,也已然震懾各方勢力。意志、抗爭、命運… 以「魂器學院」為交織點的戰役,正在拉開序幕! 而你的決定,將改變所有人的命運賽博龐克美少女手遊,在未來都市華麗邂逅甜蜜愛戀!隨興放置,隨時升級,百位魂姬聽從召喚!日本知名聲優雲集,著名繪師匠心繪製,縱享視聽設盛宴!【休閒掛機,簡單觸控下達AI指令】自律作戰佛系掛機,輕鬆點觸,即刻觸發華麗技能,顛覆局勢,引爆戰場!不管是在課間,還是在捷運,簡單下達指令,隨心操控Q萌魂姬,放置不受限制!【策略養成,締造你的專屬魂姬】各色少女雲集,甜美蘿莉,高冷御姐,應你召喚,即刻前來。魂器賦能,屬性搭配,締造史上最强魂姬。站位切換,運籌帷幄,策略戰鬥決勝揮指之間!【好感羈絆,Live2D科技實現親密接觸】禮物贈送,好感提升,喚醒冰冷軀殼下那熾熱的靈魂,邂逅末世愛戀。花樣時裝,一秒切換。Live2D科技,點擊螢幕即可展開親密互動!【解密異聞,體驗賽博龐克的都市之旅】角色扮演,指揮作戰,深度體驗異界AI戰爭。正統劇情之餘,動動手指,解鎖趣味副本,携手魂姬奔赴都市之夜,揭開戰爭背後那千絲萬縷的秘密!【知名聲優,領略絕佳視聽盛宴】豪華日本聲優陣容傾情獻聲,還有知名繪師塑造千姿百態,性格各異的魂姬等候你的差遣。班長大人,魂姬班級等你來組建,異界都市由你來拯救!因遊戲內容涉及「性」-遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾或裝扮但不涉及性暗示;具教育性或醫學性之裸露畫面「暴力」-有打鬥、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面或有輕微恐怖之畫面「菸酒」-引誘使用菸酒之畫面或情節故建議應列級別為「輔導十五歲級」。警語:注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。遊戲內含付費商城,請斟酌消費。
少女前線 Girls' Frontline 3.0200_292
Longcheng Ltd.
Added a new gameplay [Lafferbury Wargame]. Points will be awardedfor killing other players' pieces and reaching the specifiedtarget. The commander with the highest points is the game champion.
不休的烏拉拉 1.149
Longcheng Ltd.
Ulala is an ultra friendly idle mobile game set in the stone age